At Mudlark Theater I worked on the annual report for the year 2017, showing the company's activities throughout the preceding year. The annual report was designed to give shareholders and other interested individuals information about the company's activities and financial performance.  After I designed all of the pages of the report, we printed a booklet to see what the finished product is going to look like.  Below you can see some images of the annual report, as well as pictures of the printed booklet.
My first step in designing the Annual Report for Mudlark Theater was doing some research and finding examples and inspiration.  I found a few Annual Report ideas on Pinterest and came up with my own ideas.
I made sketches and designed the layout in Adobe InDesign.  After I showed the layout to my supervisors, they gave me feedback on what edits needed to be made.  They liked the overall look of the report and the color scheme I chose, but they wanted the cover and back page of the report to be black.  
I had a meeting with a coworker and she gave me all of the data that needed to be included into the Annual Report such as the 2017 Financial Report, Financial Supporters, and quotes about Mudlark Theater given by parents and kids attending the theater school. With this information I was able to figure out the layout better and try to decide where all of the information should be added.  I was also given photographs from plays that were held in 2017 to choose from and add to the report. Below I have included photographs that I used in the Annual Report.
I had a few more meetings and reviews with my supervisors and after making all of the final edits, the Mudlark Theater Annual Report 2017 for complete and ready to be printed.  You can see the final version of the report below. 
The Mudlark Theater Annual Report 2017 was ready to be printed and below you can see what the final booklet looks like.
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