I was given the opportunity to redesign a client website while working at Fortress Consulting Group. I created the main page wireframe for the website in Sketch program and had a few review meetings with the client to get feedback in order to make any edits and adjustments to the design. I also designed the inner pages of the website after the customer approved the main pages.

Below you can see the wireframes for all of the website redesign pages that I created in Sketch, including the Home page, as well as the Team, Investments, and Contact pages.

Here you can compare the original website on the left and the new design that I created on the right. My redesign of the website makes it look more modern, user-friendly, and more inviting to the viewer. The header is a video that will automatically play when a visitor opens up the website. I also shortened the content of the website so that the visitor does not have to scroll down too much. I created additional pages that will open up sections of the page that have a lot of content such as the Team, Investments, and Contact page.

When I was given the task to create a wireframe for a redesign of the ATAR website, I started doing online research and finding similar businesses and looking at their websites. I found a few that inspired me. I drew some sketches of the layout of the new website design.

Since ATAR wanted to keep the look of nature and climbing up a mountain as their theme, I decided to separate the sections of the website with simple shapes that resemble mountains. My supervisor and the client both liked the idea, but wanted the mountains to take up less space on the page. You can see some of the previous designs of the wireframe on the next page.

I spent most of the time trying to find a better solution for the Investment Criteria, Team, and Contact sections. While discussing possible solutions with the client, we agreed that these three pages should open up to a new window with additional information showing there. After adding the final edits to the design and after sending them a few more versions of the wireframe and after fixing a few last minor details, the client was happy with the overall design. Below are more detailed images of the redesign of the ATAR website that I created in Sketch. You can see the main page, as well as the team, investments, and contact page.

ATAR Main Page Design

ATAR Team Page Design

ATAR Investments Page Design

ATAR Contact Page Design