At Fortress Consulting Group, I was given the task to redesign a presentation in PowerPoint/Keynote for a Recycling and Waste Solutions Starbucks Webinar. This was a project given to another intern and me and we had to finish it the same day and send it to the client. We both designed the presentation according to our own ideas and style and then we presented it to each other and a few others coworkers at Fortress Consulting Group. Due to the time constraints, I did not get the opportunity to develop my ideas further.

We were both given the original presentation design and in the next few hours we had to come up with some better ideas and designs for it. Below you can see the original look of the presentation.

After looking over the original presentation design and layout, I came up with some better design ideas to make it look more simple and clear for the viewer. I worked on making a better layout design and found some new images to use. Below you can see a design draft I worked on. I had our graphic design team look over it and they gave me some feedback on what changes should be made.

After a few more reviews with the graphic design team, and after making some other edits, I finally came up with the final version of the Recycling and Waste Solutions Starbucks Webinar that was sent to the client.